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An Architectural Testing Ground

location - GlogauAIR, Berlin, Germnay

type - installation

year - 2022

status - Installed and removed

people - Amy Evans

residency - GlogauAIR

photographs - Gonzalo Javier Morales Leiva

Berlin’s urban fabric presents the social, political, and economic fluctuations of the past two centuries. These fluctuations can be traced through an understanding of the ways in which the city’s inhabitants were housed. From compact tenement housing to private villas in the outskirts of the city, extensive demolition, well-built modernist developments, and poorly built pre-fabricated buildings. 
            This work traces these fluctuations through an understanding of the ways in which the inhabitants of the city were housed. Each drawing focuses on a housing model, extracting and laying information. 

Amy is an Australian Architect and Spatial Designer based in Berlin. Her work explores the intersection of art and architecture. Her site specific projects span exhibition and installation design, scenography, set design, and architecture - from concept to completion.


As well as research and design work, she regularly teaches design studios at both the University of Melbourne and RMIT


Amy was a recipient of the Marten Bequest 2020 for her ongoing project titled ‘The City Shaped’.

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